Dignity. Period. Menstrual Supplies for the Unhoused.

We invite you to join us in supporting our local Southside unhoused community through the “Dignity. Period.” initiative. We’re collaborating with The Open Shelter to collect and donate menstrual products, alleviating the hardships faced by those experiencing period poverty.
The Homeless Period Movement recognizes the urgent need for menstrual resources among the unhoused population. We aim to bridge this gap, ensuring that those in need have access to essential supplies during their menstruation cycle.
In the spirit of advocacy and empowerment, we’re striving to facilitate better access to menstrual hygiene products for those in need. We’re pushing for equal, tax-free availability of these crucial products while amplifying voices nationwide to spotlight the issue of period poverty.
Being unhoused or homeless should never equate to a loss of dignity when it comes to natural bodily functions. We stand by the belief that everyone deserves access to necessary hygiene products, regardless of their housing situation.
We’re opening our doors from 1 PM to 3 PM, Monday – Friday, for this event, during which we will be gratefully accepting donations of menstrual and feminine hygiene products. All contributions will be directed to The Open Shelter. Please contact us for drop off instructions at events@autonomyproject.org
Stand with us as we take steps towards menstrual equity, fostering a sense of dignity and respect for our community’s most vulnerable. Your support can make a world of difference in the lives of those in need. We look forward to your presence and generous contributions.